In the Heat of Duty: Have You Dressed Appropriately?

In the Heat of Duty: Have You Dressed Appropriately?

18 September 2020
 Categories: Business, Blog

Comfort is an essential need. Your output and productivity at work depend on the comfort you feel when you are in the workplace. It allows you to focus on the task at hand to deliver the desired results and work safely for you and everyone else. Indeed, the level of comfort begins with the attire you wear when you are working, and it is a critical element for those who work in open-air environments. Prolonged exposure to the sun's heat can cause lots of discomfort if you don't have the right attire when working. Here are some tips that will come in handy for you:

Be Clever With Your Cloth Volume

The first tip to managing the harsh outdoor temperatures is to be minimalist with your clothing. Particularly, if your tasks involve much walking around and keeping an eye on things, you have a good chance of using this kind of workwear. Being minimalist with your clothing reduces the chances of heat accumulating in the garments while keeping you comfortable.

Be Clever With Your Material

The density of the material you choose for your workwear also affects the level of comfort. Lightweight material is an excellent choice because it leaves little room for the buildup of heat in the glaring sun. Additionally, go for bright colours as they reflect light and heat while helping you maintain a manageable temperature. Dark colours will absorb heat and make you uncomfortable. A loose-fitting design also comes in handy because it enhances air circulation around the skin to keep you cooler.

Be Clever With Your Fibres

Natural fibre should be your number one choice. Fibres such as silk, cotton and linen excel at absorbing sweat and leaving room for your skin to breath. The result is a cooling effect that allows your body to lose heat and help you feel cooler. On the other hand, the option to wear synthetic fibres leaves you at the risk of workwear that performs poorly at absorbing heat. Your body temperature and level of discomfort will keep rising as time goes by.

Be Clever With How Much You Cover

When dealing with excess heat from the sun, it helps if you can cover as much skin as possible. Keep the considerations discussed here in mind, and choose clothing that allows you to cover lots of skin. Select long-sleeved shirts, long pants and skirts with the density and material alternatives in mind. If possible, follow up with a wide-brimmed hat and sunglasses for optimal protection.

About Me
Global Enterprise: Keeping Up With Business

Good day, everyone. This is George Perrett here. I used to quite fancy myself as a globetrotting entrepreneur, but let us just say that I have now been retired for a few years. My son is now involved with all forms of business and my head spins when I talk with him about changes that have taken place. In order to keep up with the business sphere, I have started reading commerce magazines and watching the business channels on television. It has really been an eye-opener! At first, I started keeping notes in a journal, but now my son has helped me to organise this blog. I do hope that others who are interested in new business trends enjoy my posts and contribute feedback. Thank you.
