4 Things to Consider Before Installing A Wheelchair Lift

4 Things to Consider Before Installing A Wheelchair Lift

24 February 2020
 Categories: Business, Blog

Whether it's in your home or commercial building, a wheelchair lift is a valuable addition to consider. It will make movement easy for your family members, friends, colleagues, and customers who use wheelchairs. However, the installation of a wheelchair lift requires careful consideration of many things. And since it can be a costly investment, it's imperative to install something that will offer the best value for your money. With that in mind, here are some of the essential factors to consider before you install a wheelchair lift.

Consider the Type of Wheelchair Lift

Wheelchair lifts come it two primary types: vertical and inclined. Vertical lifts are similar to the standard types of lifts. They are mostly used for outdoor applications, such as on the front steps, and that's because they usually require more space. If you have limited space inside your home or commercial building, inclined lifts would be the better alternative. These wheelchair lifts comprise a metal track that is attached to your wall along the length of your stairs. A platform, which carries the wheelchair user, is then attached to the track.

Determine the Lifting Height

Wheelchair lifts have height limitations, so you need to evaluate your needs carefully before you select the lift. Usually, the height of your stairs will determine the lifting height you need. A quick assessment of the areas where you want to provide easy access for those with mobility limitations will help you figure out the measurements you need.

Consider Code/Safety Requirements

Safety is paramount when it comes to using wheelchair lifts. Therefore, wheelchair lifts have to be constructed and installed following certain safety regulations. For instance, it may be necessary to install a wheelchair lift with an enclosure, especially if you need the lift for outdoor applications. An enclosure is an aluminium or steel framework with glass panels that surround the lift to ensure safety. Other safety features you may need want to think about include emergency brake systems and non-skid platforms.

Evaluate the Amount of Space You Have

Space is another crucial consideration when installing wheelchair lifts. That's because wheelchair lifts are available in multiple sizes, and the amount of space you have will help you choose the right size. Besides the lift's footprint, it's imperative to consider the door arrangement as well as the amount of space needed in front of the doors. You need as much space as possible to ensure safe access for wheelchair users.

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Global Enterprise: Keeping Up With Business

Good day, everyone. This is George Perrett here. I used to quite fancy myself as a globetrotting entrepreneur, but let us just say that I have now been retired for a few years. My son is now involved with all forms of business and my head spins when I talk with him about changes that have taken place. In order to keep up with the business sphere, I have started reading commerce magazines and watching the business channels on television. It has really been an eye-opener! At first, I started keeping notes in a journal, but now my son has helped me to organise this blog. I do hope that others who are interested in new business trends enjoy my posts and contribute feedback. Thank you.
