4 Important Things to Note about Electronic Waste Recycling

4 Important Things to Note about Electronic Waste Recycling

28 August 2018
 Categories: Business, Blog

Think about it: when was the last time you bought a new TV, smartphone or laptop? What did you do with the old one? Research has shown that there are more than 41 million tonnes of e-waste generated globally, and of this, only 16 percent was properly recycled. As technology advances and we grow hungry for the next big thing, it pays to think about what we're doing with our old gadgets. Did you know that people change their phones once every 18 months? Shocking, isn't it?

Thankfully, there are several options you can use to recycle your old or useless electronics, particularly if they are still functional. Before you choose any of them, however, take note of the following points to protect both yourself and the environment.

1. Use certified recyclers

Some people advertise recycling services, but all they do is to illegally ship their digital waste into third world countries that have no regulations on such imports. Worse still, this is done in the name of charity work. Reputable, certified e-waste recycling companies will receive and attempt to recycle all possible components before safely disposing of what's left behind.

2. Sooner is always better

If you don't wait until the electronic is completely destroyed, you stand a better chance of being able to make some money out of it. There are stores that have trade-in policies, where you can trade in old electronics as you buy new ones. They will not be useful, however, if you wait until the gadget is completely toast. Even if you can't resell, you can donate to various charities (make sure they are registered) that collect electronics for distribution to the less fortunate in other countries.

3. You can't keep up with the Joneses

With today's technological advancements, it helps to bear in mind that there will always be a better gadget in the market than the one you're holding. What's more, the flagship model this year will be overtaken by the next one, and you'll be draining thousands of dollars trying to keep up. Instead, think about the most important qualities you need in your TV, phone or laptop. If the technology is still valid, you can upgrade your old gadget to give you similar service at a fraction of the cost of getting a new gadget.

4. Protect your data

It isn't enough to wipe your drive clean and then throw away your phone or laptop. Unscrupulous dealers can resell these drives to cyber criminals with the technology to recover data, and they can use your identity for criminal purposes. Before getting rid of obsolete electronics, be sure to have your data professionally wiped clean for your own safety.

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Global Enterprise: Keeping Up With Business

Good day, everyone. This is George Perrett here. I used to quite fancy myself as a globetrotting entrepreneur, but let us just say that I have now been retired for a few years. My son is now involved with all forms of business and my head spins when I talk with him about changes that have taken place. In order to keep up with the business sphere, I have started reading commerce magazines and watching the business channels on television. It has really been an eye-opener! At first, I started keeping notes in a journal, but now my son has helped me to organise this blog. I do hope that others who are interested in new business trends enjoy my posts and contribute feedback. Thank you.
